NewsUncategorized January 27, 2020 A Reflection on a Memo The Rev. Dr. Peter Armstrong examines Chancellor David Jones' June 2016 Memo regarding the proposed… Communion Partners (Canada) Love0
News November 19, 2019 Five Toronto Clergy propose Shared Episcopal Ministry in Open Letter to House of Bishops "Call it the Gamaliel experiment. Keep it simple." Communion Partners (Canada) Love0
News July 25, 2019 ACA & Communion Partners Canada: Vancouver Statement on General Synod 2019 & the Marriage Canon "We must restate our conviction that neither bishops nor synods have the authority to overrule… Communion Partners (Canada) Love0
News June 25, 2019 Word from a Bishop’s Heart: An open letter to my fellow Canadian Anglicans "I would be rejecting my ordination vows if I were to agree to redefining marriage… Communion Partners (Canada) Love1
News April 18, 2019 Open Letter: Four Toronto priests to House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Canada April 2019 An Open Letter from Murray Henderson+, Dean Mercer+, Ephraim Radner+ and Catherine Sider-Hamilton+ to the… Anglican Communion Alliance Love0
News March 14, 2019 ACA and Communion Partners Statement of Affiliation March 14, 2019 Over the last year, ACA and the CP (formerly Gracious Restraint) bishops have been intentional… Anglican Communion Alliance Love0
News March 13, 2019 SPECIAL APPEAL-Please share with your parish! Communion Partners (Canada) Love0
Culture January 29, 2019 Biblical Perspectives on Staying in Fellowship In the light of the current stresses and strains within the Anglican Communion, many are trying to hold together the Biblical calls to unity and upholding truth. Here are three… Anglican Communion Alliance Love1
News January 28, 2019 ACA Statement on Diocese of Toronto wedding We continue to urge our Church not to change the Marriage Canon. Anglican Communion Alliance Love1
Culture April 15, 2018 Responses to the Jacob Worley Situation Letter to PHOBS, Abp. Privett, Abp. Hiltz, Chancellors_ Feb. 16 2018_SDH • Anglican Communion Alliance… Anglican Communion Alliance Love0