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What is Christian Conversion? An Anglican Conversation

14 June 2024


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“Conversion”—but by whom and to what? Many people think of conversion as something someone does to someone else—even with ulterior motives or coercion. Instead, we are, with a broadly Anglican approach, exploring conversion as a response to what God has done for and in us, which puts us on a pilgrimage with Christ. This is God’s work, not our program, but we—cradle Anglicans, those new to the faith, and those on the “Canterbury road”—can and must respond to God!

While this conference will not focus on practical methods of evangelism, we do believe that having this conversation will equip us to share, in a natural way, our own and other Christian stories of turning, forsaking sin, and becoming more intentional about our Christian pilgrimage.  Speakers will look at conversion through the lenses of the New Testament, theology, history, and baptism and the liturgy. Throughout the conference, we will hear Anglicans from across Canada briefly share their personal stories of conversion and transformation.